The Sick and the Dating Blog Independent Review


immunizeLABS Has You Covered

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Whenever I venture out in public, I try not to think about all of the surfaces that other people have touched, and what they have touched before they touched those surfaces. But I have to. My immune system severely lacks IgG3 and IgG4, which means I can’t fight off microbes like normal people can, and I’m blessed (should I say blessed?) with fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome, which make me more vulnerable to illnesses and tougher to recover. The most recent confirmation that I was born with mast cell activation disease doomed me to vulnerability. I know what I have, I just gotta find a way to fight stuff off. Besides being diligent about washing my hands and not touching my face, what are my options?

I was contacted by immunizeLABS to try five products in the thick of flu season. I have been given these products as part of a product review through the Chronic Illness Bloggers network. Although the products were a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company.

First I’ll cover three supplements: Boost, Shield and PainRelief.


Immediate basic impressions were that I was thrilled that these were room-temperature stable and that I didn’t have to store them in the fridge. I have so much more success with taking things on a regular basis when I have them sitting in front of me than I do when they are tucked away in a fridge. Also, you’ll notice that the contents are sold in dark blue bottles; most companies will do this when the contents are photo-sensitive and the ingredients degrade when exposed to light.

The most important thing about all of these products (including the items that follow after these three) is that they all contain colloidal silver. Colloidal silver is known to be anti-microbial. In fact, I purchased a quick-drying travel towel that is woven with silver threads because it is specifically anti-microbial. If you have done any kind of studying on your conditions (if they overlap with mine), you know that microbes tend to be our enemy and overtake our systems and are hard to get rid of.

immunizeLABS formulated each of their products to have a specific outcome. For instance, each one does contain different values of the colloidal silver, as well as ginger, cinnamon bark oil and medium chain triglycerides, but then the PainRelief contains curcumin, which has been used for centuries as an anti-inflammatory. You wouldn’t want to leave home without Shield, which included in its ingredients is the all-important vitamin C in a super dose, but there’s also other supportive items that you don’t have in your medicine cabinet. Add Boost to your routine, which includes glutathione, which is a supplement that assists with repairing and building tissues, making chemicals and proteins, and generally “boosting” the immune system. (Their complete ingredient lists are available on their website: immunizeLABS)

The products state to start with 1 teaspoon of product in 2-4 ounces of filtered water in the morning at a minimum of 20 minutes before you eat, gradually working up to 2 tablespoons of product in water over a week’s time. Here are pictures of what each look like before they are mixed in water (left to right: Shield, PainRelief, Boost):




So in the thick of flu season, I can say that I have successfully avoided getting taken down by any nasty bugs, despite being out often in public. I’m not sure if my inflammation has been systemically reduced, but not getting sick is huge for me. I did feel more clear-headed – brain fog is a real challenge – and my digestive tract acted like it was on an actual schedule rather than all wacky. I could also tell that my pulse was not jumping around after ingesting the cocktails. When it does, it’s an indication to me that my blood sugars are spiking or I’ve had something I’m allergic to. I will consider this an overall win. 

One of their other products may have helped to protect me, and that is their Breathe Easy Nasal Spray:


I’m not a sufferer of migraines so I can’t give an opinion from that perspective. However, I often suddenly develop congestion – and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m experiencing a mast cell trigger, or if there’s pressure building up in my cranium from the cerebrospinal fluid building up. The Breathe Easy spray is a mixture of the colloidal silver plus sea salt, certain essential oils, as well as horseradish and cayenne pepper (say what??). I’ve been giving it a couple of pumps before I go to bed as well as when I feel stuffy, or when I come in from being out in public, and again, I haven’t gotten sick and the stuffiness goes away. I also consider this to be a “win.” In fact, you can use this one as often as you feel the need, so I think I’m going to do that right now.

I’m saving my favorite for last, and that’s the OralMiracle.


I have all kinds of challenges with my mast cell activation disease, including my mouth burning and suddenly developing allergies and sensitivities where I didn’t previously have any. Even commercial brands that are on the market that boast to be alcohol-free still make my mouth burn. I also want to have white teeth just as much as the next person – why should I have to sacrifice that just because I react to strong chemicals? Again, this product contains the colloidal silver to control microbes; imagine how much of a boost it gives your mouth to have that anti-microbial assistance when you’re trying to prevent tooth decay.

The recommendation on OralMiracle is to swish 2 teaspoons for 3 minutes; “The longer you swish, the deeper the healing.” The taste is pleasant and most importantly, my mouth doesn’t burn. They strongly recommend that you don’t eat or drink for the rest of the evening so the product isn’t washed away. My budget is really, really limited right now, but this is the one item that I would spend money on again and again.

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  • pascal helou
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