Chronically Content Blog Independent Review


I have been given this product as part of a product review through the Chronic Illness Bloggers network. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company.


We all want to feel well.  The creators of the products I’m sharing with you, weren’t well.  Suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome led them to try natural healing methods.  And, preventing sickness is much easier than curing sickness.  This is the rationale behind ImmunizeLABS.

I have been happy to review two of their natural health products.  The goal of OralMiracle is to bring about a healthy mouth, and the goal of PainRelief is to help those suffering with chronic pain.  I love natural products!  My life of chronic pain hasn’t been helped very much by typical pain relieving medications.

OralMiracle is a liquid mouth rinse that is designed to help reverse most oral problems: gingivitis, cavities and tooth sensitivity.  I have had on-and-off problems with tooth sensitivity.  My history with cavities is terrible, and this can be blamed on Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.  So, I looked forward to trying this all-natural oral rinse to heal and prevent problems in my mouth.

When I first began the oral rinse, I had a sore, inflamed area of my gums that brought me concern.  After using OralMiracle for a few days, this area returned to a healthy light-pink color.  I was relieved, because I hate seeing inflammation and worrying about receding gums.

The OralMiracle rinse has a wonderful, minty taste.  It was easy to swish it around my mouth for 1-3 minutes each night, after brushing my teeth and flossing.  This is such an easy thing to do to help your mouth.  Preventing cavities will be a great reward for such a simple task.  Here is the label, so you can see the natural ingredients.


PainRelief is also a natural liquid treatment.  This is also very simple to use.  The product is taken in the morning, before eating anything.  The dose is 2 Tablespoons, with 4 oz of water.  That’s it!  Another very easy-to-use liquid treatment, that should be very helpful for: chronic pain, back pain, chronic migraines, stress, anxiety, arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and autoimmune disorders.

Pain Relief serves as a natural way to reduce inflammation and to prevent pain.  My pain management doctor recommended Tylenol, which has warnings for your health.  This is a great Tylenol alternative.  So, if you have fibromyalgia or sciatica, this is something you can try.  I suffer with shoulder pain, because I have unstable shoulders (joints).  This can improve shoulder pain and lower back pain, too.

The taste of PainRelief is what I would call herbal-y.  I know that’s not a word, but it’s what I think of, when I drink it.  It is a very mild flavor and pleasant, though not tasty.  I have the Chocolate brand, which contains Organic Cacao.  But, they don’t add fillers and chemicals to give it a sweet taste.  The user will appreciate the following natural ingredients:



These ingredients are why this is a great anti-inflammatory & pain-prevention formula:

  • “We start with deionized water and turn it into Structured Ionic Silver and Nano Particulate Colloidal Silver for maximum viral and bacterial killing power.
  • We add MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), an effective natural anti-inflammatory that blocks the release of pro-inflammatory mediators and down-regulates certain harmful immune system signals.
  • We add Copaiba Oil, one of the most potent natural anti-inflammatory substances known to man.
  • We add Curcumin, the natural pain reliever and Tylenol alternative.
  • We add Ashwagandha, anti-inflammatory action by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines.
  • We add MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides), which provides increased cellular energy. Its anti-coagulation effect lowers serum cholesterol in obstructive jaundice, biliary cirrhosis, pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, Whipple’s disease, and Crohn’s disease.
  • We add Cinnamon Bark Oil, which helps fight viruses and stimulates the immune system.
  • Finally, we add Ginger Oil, which also boosts the immune system reducing inflammation.”

While taking this natural formula, there was a reduction in my pain levels.  And, the ingredients are very healthy for me.


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  • pascal helou
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